Guidelines and projects

Here you will find an overview of the current directive projects.

Sustainable water management

Bio Suisse is working closely with the German organic farming association Naturland on the guidelines for sustainable water management. For example, BIOSUISSE ORGANIC and Naturland-certified operations in regions with scarce water resources (according to Aqueduct) must have a water management plan (WMP).

You can find more information here.

Promoting smallholder farmers

Smallholder farmers make an important contribution to food security by producing around 80% of the world’s food (FAO, 2014)*.

You can find more information here​​​​​​​.

Tropical permanent crops

Tropical permanent crops such as coffee, cashews and bananas are very popular with Swiss consumers. However, these crops and their cultivation methods are often the subject of public criticism.

You can find more information here.

Social responsibility

Certified operations across the approximately 70 Bio Suisse cultivation countries not only have to fulfil requirements relating to organic production. They are also obliged to fulfil their social responsibility towards staff so as to ensure their well-being.

You can find more information here.
